Fertility programme

My 3-month fertility programme programme is suitable for:

  • Anyone planning pregnancy 
  • Couples trying to conceive for some time 
  • People exploring assisted reproductive technologies

Starting a family is a very special time. Parents' health is fundamental for a successful conception, smooth pregnancy and a healthy baby. That’s why optimizing your health before conception is crucial. That includes nutrient status, thyroid health, hormonal balance and much more. With this 3-month programme, you’ll assess and improve your health to maximize your chances of successful conception and a happy pregnancy through nutrition, lifestyle changes, and supplements. 

Fertility. Daria Ivanova Nutritionist Fertility Women health Gut
Fertility. Daria Ivanova Nutritionist Fertility Women health Gut

What’s included:

It takes two to make a baby so the programme includes both partners (unless embryo transfer or sperm donor), lasts 3 months and includes 6 one-to-one sessions and ongoing support to help you implement the reccomendations. Everyone and every couple is unique so the programme is fully personalised to suit your individual needs 

  • 1×90-min online initial consultation to gather comprehensive  information on your health and history for you and your partner
  • Initial personalised nutrition, lifestyle and supplement plan 
  • Testing recommendations 
  • 2×60-min online follow-up consultations to discuss your plan and test results (monthly) with updated nutrition and lifestyle plan based on your test results and symptoms 
  • 3×30-min online check-ins (between sessions) to address any challenges and help you apply recommendations 
  • Research around your case in between sessions
  • Ongoing coaching and support to help you introduce the changes
  • Unlimited testing analysis 
  • Ongoing WhatsApp support to answer all your questions 
  • Unlimited e-mail support
  • Investment £750

As a result of our work, you can expect

  • Improved health, more energy and better stress management
  • Increased chances of conception and carrying to full-term 
  • Understanding of how your body works and which factors might be contributing to fertility issues
  • Awareness of how nutrition and lifestyle affect your fertility and how to make the right choices
  • Individualised nutrition and lifestyle recommendations
  • Ongoing support and coaching 
Fertility. Daria Ivanova Nutritionist Fertility Women health Gut
Fertility. Daria Ivanova Nutritionist Fertility Women health Gut

I would love to help you improve your health and support you on your fertility journey!

Q& A

Frequent customer questions and answers. If you have other questions, please contact me via website, phone or email.

How can I book a date with you?

Please contact me via the website contact form, email or phone, you can find all the contact details on the Contacts page and we’ll schedule a discovery call

I do not have 3 months, what shall I do?

It takes approximately 3 months to develop an egg and sperm which is why preconception care is so crucial. It takes around three months of implementing changes to have an impact. I really encourage you to work for at least 3 months. If you have some special circumstances please contact me directly so we can find a solution for your unique situation   

Do you support couple going through IVF?

I work with people looking to conceive naturally as well as using assisted reproductive technologies including IVF. Nutrition and lifestyle changes can be really beneficial in both of these scenarios which is backed-up with research.  

Where are you based?

I live in the UK and work with clients online so you work with me from anywhere in the world


I am very passionate about helping couples improve their fertility and increase the chances of successful conception, smooth pregnancy and healthy baby. Bespoke and targeted advice on nutrition and lifestyle may help you to get to your goals quicker.

Please give me a call or contact me via the button below and we will discuss your unique situation.


Fertility. Daria Ivanova Nutritionist Fertility Women health Gut